As a gynaecologist I often manage women with the following health conditions:

As well as consulting, I can provide all office-based 
gynaecology procedures in my rooms like cervical screening tests, colposcopy, biopsies, insertion/removal of Mirena/Copper IUDs and insertion/removal of Implanon.

I also have a regular operating list at Sydney Adventist Hospital each week if surgery is required. I am able to perform hysteroscopies, endometrial ablations, insertion of Mirena under anaesthetic, removal of polyps and fibroids, vaginal surgery for prolapse, laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery for ovarian cysts, endometriosis, infertility and laparoscopic hysterectomies.

As I have regular lists, the wait-time for surgery is usually less than one month and urgent cases will always be prioritised.